Indikation Den bioinformatiske analyse anvendes til påvisning af resistensmutationer i HCV-genomet, hos patienter med antiviral behandlingssvigt. |
Prøvemateriale En HCV genomisk sekvens fra analysen HCV-genotype (se eget datablad). Et fuldgenom er nødvendig for analysen. |
Prøvemedie/prøvetagning Ikke relevant |
Transport/holdbarhed Ikke relevant |
Svartid 5 arbejdsdage |
Analyse Analysen udføres ved hjælp af programmet HCV-GLUE ( HCV-GLUE detects the presence of resistance-associated substitutions (RAS) and variants in viral genome sequences and summarises the evidence that these confer resistance to direct-acting antiviral drugs (DAAs). Please note that the HCV-GLUE drug resistance interpretation system has not yet been formally validated for clinical use. Version information (23.01.23)
Analysesvar samt tolkning Undersøgelsens navn: Hepatitis C virus Genotypisk resistensbestemmelse, materiale: datafil Svaret kommer til at ligge som en PDF. Svaret (PDF-dokumentet) sendes af bioinformatiker (pt. Sarah Mollerup) til med kopisvar til og Infektionsmedicinsk sekretariat lægger svaret i SP under Medier. I wwLab svares analysen ud med fast kommentar: "HCV resistens analyse svar udført. Svar kan findes i SP under medier" Bemærkning fra udviklerne af programmet: It is essential to note that the prediction of reduced susceptibility to an individual DAA by HCV-GLUE is unlikely to be of clinical relevance in treatment-naïve, non-cirrhotic patients, with the exception of elbasvir. In the presence of cirrhosis or with a history of prior exposure to DAA, the antiviral susceptibility results may be of value in choosing an optimal treatment regimen. As such decisions are complex, we recommend that treatment selection should be taken by a multi-professional expert team only after review of relevant viral, patient and DAA-related factors. |
Princip for analysen HCV-GLUE: an online database
and sequence analysis tool for hepatitis C virus. |
Konfirmation Resultatet konfirmeres ikke. |
Vejledning/rådgivning Klinisk Mikrobiologisk Afdelings vagthavende læge tlf. 3862 6443 |
Sensitivitet/specificitet Bemærkning fra udviklerne af programmet: Please note that the HCV-GLUE drug resistance interpretation system has not yet been formally validated for clinical use. |
Måleområde Ikke relevant |
CE mærkning/akkreditering Nej / Nej |
Andre oplysninger The HCV-GLUE web site highlights: A database of HCV sequences and metadata from NCBI, updated daily and arranged into clades (genotypes, subtypes). A database of DAA-resistant polymorphisms, developed in collaboration with the Virus Reference Department at Public Health England. An analysis tool providing genotyping, drug resistance analysis and visualisation of submitted FASTA sequences (example generated report). (klip fra, 23.01.23) |